Syntagma Square
Syntagma Square is the central square of Athens, Greece. It is located in front of the 19th-century Old Royal Palace, housing the Greek Parliament since 1934. Syntagma Square is the most important square of modern Athens from both a historical and social point of view, at the heart of commercial activity and Greek politics. The name Syntagma alone also refers to the neighbourhood surrounding the square.
At the pinnacle of ancient architecture and still standing today, the Acropolis rests on the Hill of the Muses. This ancient citadel rises up into the sky like a massive extension of nature itself, the stone marking a firm declaration to the power of ancient Greeks, which inspired the world over to build bigger and better. It was once a home to kings, a citadel, and a mythical home of the gods. Now it’s aworld famous monument and a reminder of the rich history of architecture and Greek splendor. The nearby Acropolis Museum is a perfect follow-up to ensure you’re in the know for your history, plus a great place to discover unique merchandise.
Thiseio or Thissio is a traditional neighbourhood in the old city of Athens, Greece, northwest of the Acropolis, and surrounded by the archaeological sites of the Agora, Keramikos and Pnyx. The name refers to the Temple of Hephaestus, which was mistakenly known as Thiseion, in reference to Theseus, the mythical king of Athens.